HunterXHunter RPG Wiki


Topped off by an all-too-huge feathered cap, one that somehow still manages to sit solidly upon his angular head, Iscalio wears an ever-present wide-eyed wild gaze that speaks little for his mood, blocked only occasionally by an errant lock of ginger hair. The elongated figure is wrapped finely as ever in various multicolored poofy garb, clearly handstitched by a tailor worth their salt, albeit from a by-gone age. An idiosyncrasy even further noted by the lengthy fencing sword, an Estoc, at his hip. All together, he looks as if the court fool, and certainly acts the part as well.


At the core of his very being resides naught but holding himself in the highest regard, utterly arrogant would be putting it mildly. Whether the man manages to find some shred of compassion for his companions remains to be seen as well. All together, Iscalio speaks convincingly, doling out compliments and sweet words with little foundation, willing to worm his way however he can for the social advantage. Ultimately of all, he's just a plain jerk-ass.


Iscalio first appears during Chapter two, Scavenging X For X Victory, wherein the silhouetted fop appears, pinned by the number one badge denoting an examinee, upon the Podokean shore to confront Warren Ruuz, appearing to confuse the conspiracy theorist for someone else entirely. Iscalio bids expectantly for the oysters that Warren had collected for the first phase, however, he is quickly met with surprising resistance from a man who's oysters came under fire. A brief 'duel' follows, in which a quick thrust from Iscalio is met by a make-shift shield of a colander, one that is quickly charged by Warren's taser, electrocuting the offending knight forthwith.

Some time shortly later, a pair arrive simply emerging from the sea unbaded by the currents, dressed finely in bronze mail. They quickly help Iscalio up, referring to him as their lord and they his servants, one of which is called by name, a short man, Weedge, wearing a similar bowl-cut as Warren before him. They quickly hand over a great egg they'd found on the isle in the distance to which Iscalio commands them to return to in hopes that they may join him in the next phase. .


Physical Stats[]

Stat Value
Stamina 6
Strength 8
Speed 8
Dexterity 12
Aura 4
Control 6
Total 44

Fighting style[]





